Scenic spots populate metro line

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Updated: 2017-03-13

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If you want to travel to a bustling campus, you might as well hop off when the train stops at the Songjiang College Town Station. China’s prestigious colleges like Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, East China University of Political Science and Law, and Shanghai International Studies University all have their campuses in this area.

Scenic spots populate metro line

Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance has a number of interesting buildings. [Photo/Wechat: sheshanlvyou]

Scenic spots populate metro line

A lake inside the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. [Photo/Wechat: sheshanlvyou]

Scenic spots populate metro line

A lion statue stands outside the East China University of Political Science and Law. [Photo/Wechat: sheshanlvyou]

Scenic spots populate metro line

Shanghai International Studies University has distinctive architecture. [Photo/Wechat: sheshanlvyou]

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