Perseid meteor shower putting on a show in Sheshan sky

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Updated: 2017-08-04

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Perseid meteor shower putting on a show in Sheshan sky
A cluster of camping tents in the summer night [Photo:/wechat: Sheshantravel]

At night, parents and their kids can sit together under the beautiful starry skies, listening to the croaks of frogs and other sounds of nature. A cluster of camping tents in the summer night [Photo:/wechat: Sheshantravel]

Campers can enjoy free entrance to the 2017 Shanghai Sheshan Astronomical Museum after watching the meteorites fall among the stars.


Time: Aug 12, 19, 26; Sept 2, 9, 16, 23

Location: No.3 building Sheshan Forest Hotel – Shanghai.

No.9259 , Qingsong Road, Songjiang district, Shanghai

Charge: 280yuan / family ($41.8) if you bring your own tent

380yuan / family ($56.7) if you rent the tent

Including: Camping, night-sky observation, an outdoor movie and parent-child activities

Tel: 57811106*801

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