Plum blossoms seen at Guangfulin Relics Park

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Updated: 2019-02-26

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Plum blossoms at Guangfulin Relics Park are in full blossom, adding their radiance and beauty to the buildings.

The Guangfulin Relics Park, a prehistoric cultural relic from the Neolithic Age, was first established in 1989. It covers 40,000 square meters and reproduces Shanghai’s ancient way of life and ancient Guangfulin culture.

Plum blossoms seen at Guangfulin Relics Park

Plum blossoms are in full bloom at Guangfulin Relics Park, Sheshan. [Photo provided to]

Plum blossoms seen at Guangfulin Relics Park

A cluster of blooming plum blossoms presents its beauty against the park’s buildings. [Photo provided to]

Plum blossoms seen at Guangfulin Relics Park
Plum blossoms create a striking contrast with the blue sky at Guangfulin Relics Park. [Photo provided to]

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