Chenshan Botanical Garden holds summer flower shows

Updated: 2020-06-09

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Chenshan Botanical Garden holds summer flower shows

A summer flower show features more than 140 varieties of Japanese water iris. [Photo/WeChat account: sheshanlvyoutopnews]

Various summer flowers, including hydrangea, hosta, iris, and hemerocallis, are now in full bloom at the Chenshan Botanical Garden.

The garden will be holding six summer flower shows until June 14 to showcase their beauty in their natural environment, in pots, and in manmade landscapes.

Chenshan Botanical Garden holds summer flower shows

One of the six summer flower shows showcases a sea of purple flowers and plants such as lavender, verbena, sage, patchouli, mint, and bugle. [Photo/WeChat account: sheshanlvyoutopnews]


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