Floral note to get about vibrant colors in season2017-05-19

Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden is a wonderland of colors as species of flowering plants can always be found there according to changing seasons.

Pin-worthy pictures of May flowers native to overseas land2017-05-16

Visitors can still find plenty of vibrant colors and lilting fragrances offered in Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden in May.

Scenic spots populate metro line2017-03-13

Metro Line 9 to Songjiang South Railway Station was designed to facilitate easy transport between numerous scenic destinations, which range from historical relics, ancient waterside towns, and the noted Sheshan National Tourism Resort.

Walk along Shanghai’s top cherry boulevard2017-03-03

Shanghai’s most charming street for glimpses of cherry trees is located in the Shanghai Chenshan Botanical Garden and the trees have begun to bloom.

Savor life in natural, man-made wonders2017-02-28

When the of cold winter begins to wane, it’s time to go outdoors and seize moments of excitement in the landscape and amusement park Sheshan has prepared for you.

International Wine and Spirits Museum2016-10-28

The International Wine and Spirits Museum is the largest wine museum in Asia.

Improvements in Shanghai sculpture park2015-09-14

Yuehu Sculpture Park signed a cooperation agreement with Jing'an Sculpture Park and East China Normal University.

East Sheshan Park2015-09-14

East She Mountain scenic spot is in East Sheshan, 72.4m above sea level. Its mountainous area is 850mu. It has a northern peak and a southern peak.

West Sheshan Park2015-09-14

Among the nine peaks, West Sheshan is famous for its richest natural scenery and cultural resources. The mountain is 97.2m high and has more than 800 acres of mountain forests.

Three Saint Pavilions2015-09-14

To the west of the square of West Sheshan Church, there are three pavilions, namely: Sacred Heart of Jesus Pavilion, Virgin Mary Pavilion and St. Joseph Pavilion.

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Official Website of the Sheshan National Tourist Resort, Shanghai