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Shanxi brands make their mark in Xi’an

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2014-05-29

On May 26, Shanxi Brands Cross-China Tour finished its four-day exhibition in Xi’an. Over the four days, sales volume reached 970,000 yuan, and contract sales volume grossed nearly 234.5 million yuan. Shanxi brands stood out in the exhibition and were awarded “the best brand”.

Xi’an was the third stop for Shanxi Brands Cross-China Tour. According to an official from the Shanxi Commerce Department, Shanxi has not only gained short-term interest, but also strengthened its position in Northwest China and expanded its influence thanks to the platform offered by the 18th Investment and Trade Forum for Cooperation between East and West China (ITFCEW) held in Xi’an.

During the forum, Shanxi enterprises took an active part. The experience helped Shanxi entrepreneurs better understand the domestic market, which will benefit brand culture development in Shanxi. During the exhibition, Shanxi enterprises stood out because of their colorful regional characteristics, rich cultural history, and the integration of business, tourism, and culture. Shanxi Brands Cross-China Tour was awarded “the best brand” by the organizing committee.

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