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Shanxi to host 5th China-Russia-Mongolia Mayor Forum

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-07-18

Shanxi will host the 5th China-Russia-Mongolia Great Tea Road and City Development Mayor Forum in September in Jinzhong city.

The forum will promote tourism and business among the three countries and introduce the development of the ancient merchant culture of Shanxi.

The "Great Tea Road" was an ancient international trade route that run across from the north to the south of China and covered across Eurasia in 320 years ago. It is also known as the “10 thousand li (5,000 kilometers) of tea road”.

Jinzhong served as one of the major hubs along the tea trading route of China, Russia and Mongolia.

Merchants from Shanxi sold tea from Wuyi Mountain in southeast China’s Fujian province, the birth place of many of China's renowned teas, and extended the pathway to Mongolia and Russia.

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