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Security check

Updated : 2019-01-10

5. Relevant provisions on articles carried by the short-term passengers with foreign nationalities

The luggage and articles carried by the short-term passengers with foreign nationalities entering or exiting China shall be restricted to the articles necessary for the travelling. Short-term passengers with foreign nationalities who enter or exit China shall be required to make declaration to the Customs. Articles of daily use needed during the journey within the scope of a reasonable amount shall be released; 400 cigarettes and two bottles of wine (no more than 1.5 liters) shall be released free of duty within this limit; as to the personal belongings carried by the passengers entering China, one camera, portable tape recorder, compact camera, portable camcorder, portable word processor shall be released, and the articles that have exceeded the limit shall be declared to the Customs and go through the customs formalities. The personal belongings carried by the passengers entering China to be used during the journey may be approved upon examination by the Customs as temporarily imported goods. The personal belongings carried by the passengers released by the Customs shall be carried with them exiting China.

[Note] Passengers with foreign nationalities refer to all the passengers except the Chinese passengers, including the stateless persons, foreign nationals being invited to visit China, to conduct trade negotiation, to travel, to engage in activities in science and technology, cultural exchanges, and exhibitions, the permanent personnel of the resident offices in China such as foreign enterprises, news agencies and commerce organizations, as well as the foreign experts and foreign students, etc.

As to the primary management of the luggage and articles carried by the passengers with foreign nationalities, China Customs divides them into long-term passengers with foreign nationalities and short-term passengers with foreign nationalities according to their duration of residence in China. The long-term passengers with foreign nationalities generally refer to the travelers who reside continuously in China for more than one year upon approval of entry, such as the residence personnel of the foreign businesses; short-term passengers with foreign nationalities refer to the passengers being approved of entry but temporarily reside in China for less than one year such as the foreign travelers.

The main basis for the Customs to distinguish long-term and short-term passengers with foreign nationalities is whether they hold the long-term residence permits issued by the public security authorities of China.

6. Provisions on articles carried by long-term passengers with foreign nationalities entering and exiting China

The application for declaration made by the long-term passengers with foreign nationalities for the personal belongings or the household articles used for daily life, that is, articles for personal or household use, shall be filed with the Customs in writing. When filing the application, the applicants shall fill out the APPLICATION FORM FOR IMPORT/EXPORT OF ARTICLES FOR PERSONAL USE in quadruplicate, and submit the long-term residence permits issued by the competent department of the People's Republic of China, their own identity documents and other relevant documents for examination. According to the provisions, at the same time submitting the written application, the applicants shall also need to login in Quickpass at www.chinaport.gov.cn, and send the electronic data and information to the competent customs. After the application for entry of articles for personal and household use has been approved, the competent customs shall endorse and seal on the APPLICATION FORM FOR IMPORT/EXPORT OF ARTICLES FOR PERSONAL USE, and one copy shall be retained by the customs, one copy shall be retained by the applicants, and the customs seals shall be made on two other copies, which shall be delivered by the applicants to the customs in the locality where the articles enter China to go through the formalities of examination and release, and at the same time the electronic data being examined and verified shall be sent to the customs at the point of entry.

Articles carried by the long-term passengers with foreign nationalities entering and exiting China temporarily shall be handled by the customs according the provisions on the short-term passengers with foreign nationalities, and only articles of daily use necessary for the journey can be released free of duty. Where the articles carried exiting China released free of duty by the customs are those articles that need to be carried when entering China again, it should be noted in the Baggage Declaration for Passengers. In the return trip, the customs shall examine, verify and release free of duty by this note. If the articles are not reported to the customs exiting China, they shall be levied duty in compliance with the regulations when entering China in the return trip.

The personnel of resident offices, foreign permanent personnel and experts of the foreign-funded enterprises, among the long-term passengers with foreign nationalities, can apply to the customs to import a motor vehicle for personal use (new vehicle only), and the customs can release it free of duty upon examination, verification and approval.

[Note] The long-term passengers with foreign nationalities include: permanent personnel of the resident offices of foreign enterprises and other economic, trade and cultural organizations in China; permanent personnel of the resident offices of foreign non-governmental economic, trade and cultural organizations in China; foreign resident correspondents of resident news agencies in China; permanent personnel of China-foreign joint ventures, China-foreign cooperative enterprises and foreign-owned enterprises in China; foreign experts working in China for a long time; and foreign students studying in China for a long time. After the above-mentioned six types of personnel acquire the long-term residence permits issued by the competent departments of the People’s Republic of China, they can carry with them in their first entry in China the home video camera, camera, portable tape recorders, portable CD players, portable computers for personal use within the duration of validity of their visas, and report to the local competent customs for examination and verification. Within the limit of one for each category, they can be released free of duty, and the exceeding part shall be levied duty in compliance with the regulations.

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