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Cuiyan Mountain

Updated : 2014-10-21

Cuiyan Mountain
Cuiyan Mountain

The 2,894-meter high Cuiyan Mountain is 10 kilometers northwest of Taihua town. It looks like a majestic lion and is the second highest among the five peaks of Mount Wutai, next to the North Top. A temple called Yanjiao Temple was built at the summit in which WenShu Bodhisattva is enshrined. Numerous emerald green moss-covered boulders can be seen all over this mountain. People call them Flying Dragon Stones, for they look like a green dragon flying and flickering under the sun.

Cuiyan Mountain
Cuiyan Mountain

Standing on the Cuiyan Mountain, to the north you can see Fanzhi county and Daixian county; to the east, you can see the Jizhong plain of Hebei province; to the south, looking upon the great Taihuai town temple cluster will make you feel so much peace and joy, as if you are appreciating bonsai art. There is a wonder called Wannianbing (one thousand year ice) at the juncture of the Middle and Northern peaks. Another special feature of the Middle peak is the phenomenon that happens when it is sunny on the mountaintop; it is raining at the foot of the mountain as grey clouds cover the foothills of Taihuai.


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