SPC issues guidance on improving judicial responsibility system

Updated : 2015-10-08

SPC issues guidance on improving judicial responsibility system

He Xiaorong, director of the court’s judicial reform office, explains the guidance on improving the judicial responsibility system at a press conference on Sept 21.

The Supreme People’s Court issued its guidance on improving the judicial responsibility system at a press conference on Sept 21. He Xiaorong, director of the court’s judicial reform office, explained the guidance.

The number of cases before the courts nationwide has increased in recent years, and efficiency has generally been improved. However, trial quality and efficiency still occasionally remain at a low level, and some cases have been misjudged.

The problem is related to unscientific trial operation mechanisms and undesirable elements of the judicial responsibility system. The Supreme Court began drafting a reform guidance document in October 2013, which was approved this August.

The guidance consists of 48 items in six parts, which cover goals, principles, judicial power operation mechanism reforms, and clarification of judicial personnel’s responsibilities. It specifies major issues in judicial responsibilities, including their premises, foundation, scope, rules, procedures and guarantees.

The main content of the guidance focuses on reforming trial organization and the judgment document signing mechanism, promoting regular case treatment by the court president, establishing professional judges’ meetings, and clarifying judicial personnel’s responsibilities and jurisdiction.

The Supreme Court held a judicial responsibility reform training session the day after the guidance was issued to ensure full understanding and accurate implementation. Courts involved will carry out the reform based on their own circumstances.

The Supreme Court will establish development reporting, supervision, inspection, and an evaluation, review and guidance system to strengthen the reform to help realize the ultimate goal.