That’s why litigants trust her

Updated : 2015-12-09

That’s why litigants trust her

Huang Zhili, a deputy presiding judge from Zhangzhou city, Fujian province, is honored as one of 62 national moral role models in Beijing on Oct 13.

During her 13-year judicial work at the grass-roots level, 93 percent of her cases have been settled or withdrawn, making her, to the public, a judge of intimate compassion.

Huang Zhili, a deputy presiding judge from Zhangzhou city, Fujian province, was honored as one of 62 people selected as a moral role model, in the fifth national selection process in Beijing on Oct 13.

From the very beginning of her career on the bench, Huang insisted on visiting the litigants in villages or communities. About 40 percent of the 5,000 civil and commercial cases she dealt with were closed within seven days, with 99 percent of plaintiffs dropping their lawsuit.

Huang is committed to handling different cases in accordance with their characteristics. In divorce cases, she highly advocates the traditional virtues of family; when dealing with private lending cases, she reminds the litigants to be honest and keep faith; as for neighborhood disputes, she insists on a modest and courteous manner; and in family law cases, she highlights respecting the elderly while taking good care of the children.

Huang hears and closes two cases a day on average, of which less than 0.3 percent are appealed, making her a remarkable judge in public perception.

In addition, the “Huang Zhili Judge Studio” was established and is available twice a week for meditation before litigation and legal consultation. So far, five studios have provided 134 services in communities, businesses and private homes. In commendation of Huang’s judicial work, she has also been awarded other prizes in Fujian province and at the national level.