China’s SPC to share information with Ministry of Land and Resources

By Mi Yunjing ( Updated : 2016-11-07

China’s Supreme People’s Court (SPC) and the Ministry of Land and Resources have released suggestions to share information contemplating the people's courts at different level having access to real estate information of people subject to execution proceedings.

The court and land administration consider it necessary to build an online execution query system coordinated with an online management base of real estate registration information.

In the new system, the SPC will collect inquiry applications from courts at all levels and submit them to responding real estate registration agencies.

The land and resources administration will then make enquiries into the registered owner of real estate, the land’s location, and mortgages, easements and any other charges registered against the land.

The courts who haven’t yet established a peer-to-peer connection with local land and resources administrations should develop software for this query and control system. Those courts in areas where a unified real estate registration system now exists are encouraged to carry out pilot work in the proposed judgment enforcement system.

The suggestions also emphasize that courts and land and resources administrations at all levels should bear in mind the need for information security and ensure it is protected through rules and regulations and necessary measures.