SPC head meets with Finland justice minister

(english.court.gov.cn) Updated : 2018-02-02

SPC head meets with Finland justice minister

Zhou Qiang (right), chief justice and president of the Supreme People's Court, meets with Antti Häkkänen, minister of justice of Finland on Feb 1 in Beijing. [Photo by Sun Ruofeng/People’s Court Daily]

The head of China’s top court, Zhou Qiang, met with a delegation led by Antti Häkkänen, minister of justice of Finland, on Feb 1 in Beijing.

Zhou, chief justice and president of the Supreme People's Court (SPC), welcomed the Finland team, saying that China and Finland keep close exchanges in the judicial sector, and the cooperation between their judicial offices is proceeding smoothly.

He said the visit of Häkkänen will boost the friendly relationship of both countries in the legal sector and will open a new chapter in exchanges and communication.

Zhou briefed his guests about rule of law in China and the judicial reform.

He said China pays great attention to the rule of law, adding that the informationization of courts, the quality and efficiency of trials, and judicial credibility all keep improving.

Courts around the country are working hard to build a fair, effective and authoritative socialist judicial system to “let people feel fairness and justice in every single case”, according to Zhou.

With trial openness -- through four judicial open platforms -- people’s trust in judicial credibility is also growing, noted Zhou.

Judicial circles around the world are faced with some common problems and challenges, said Zhou, adding that China and Finland can advance cooperation in several legal areas, including the use of artificial intelligence and case studies.

Experience sharing can help boost judicial work as well as the civilizing effect of rule of law in both countries, he added.

Häkkänen echoed Zhou and expressed his hope to deepen cooperation with China’s judicial sector.