China’s SPC vice-president visits Angola and Madagascar

( Updated : 2019-05-29

Li Shaoping, vice-president of China’s Supreme People’s Court (SPC), and his delegation visited Angola and Madagascar from May 19 to 27.

At the invitation of the president of Angola’s Supreme Court and the Malagasy minister of justice, it is the first time that SPC sent a delegation to the two African countries.

Li described China’s rule of law development, judicial system and reform and was introduced about the situation of the Angolan judicial system and courts’ work when he met with his Angolan counterpart, the country’s vice-minister of justice and human rights and attorney general.

The 2019 judges seminar for Portuguese-speaking countries held by China welcomes Angola judges, said Li.

During Li’s visit to Madagascar, he said China expects to strengthen pragmatic cooperation with Madagascar in fields such as judicial reform, publicity, informatization, courts management, judge training and bilateral judicial assistance.

Madagascar actively responded to China’s expectations.

A MoU on the two sides’ supreme courts’ judicial cooperation was signed by Li and the president of the Malagasy Supreme Court.

Li also introduced the achievements of China’s judicial system and reform as well as its development of rule of law to the Madagascar officials.