Health product company goes to trial for pyramid scheme

(Xinhua) Updated : 2019-12-17

TIANJIN -- A court in north China's Tianjin Municipality on Monday held an open trial of Quanjian Nature Medicine Technology Development Co., Ltd. charged with operating a pyramid scheme.

The Tianjin-based health product company had been accused of organizing and leading a scheme that used false advertising to cheat thousands out of their savings by selling health products.

Quanjian and 12 individuals involved in the case shall bear criminal responsibility in accordance with the law, the Wuqing District People's Procuratorate of Tianjin said during the trial at the People's Court of Wuqing District.

All defendants pleaded guilty and expressed remorse in their final statements. The court has adjourned to deliberate on sentencing.

Chinese authorities launched a nationwide campaign to crack down on irregularities in the health product market after an investigation into the Quanjian case started in December 2018.