China vows to improve judicial protection of ecological environment

( Updated : 2021-05-28

China's courts will join all participating parties to improve the judicial governance of the global ecological environment, promote harmonious co-existence of human beings and nature, and build a beautiful homeland for mankind.

Zhou Qiang, president and chief justice of the Supreme People's Court of China, made the remarks when he attended the World Judicial Conference on Environment in Kunming, capital city of Southwest China's Yunnan province on May 26.

Zhou said that Chinese courts are actively exploring China's own experience in judicial protection of ecological environment.

China vows to improve judicial protection of ecological environment

Zhou Qiang makes a keynote speech at the World Judicial Conference on Environment in Kunming, capital city of Southwest China's Yunnan province on May 26. [Photo/Sun Ruofeng]

He reviewed the measures taken by Chinese courts to improve the working mechanism of environmental justice, such as establishing a specialized trial system and institutions on the environment and resources and improving the rules of environmental justice and the training of environmental justice professionals, as well as basic theoretical research.

Efforts have also been made to deepen public participation, protect the public's rights to know, participate in and supervise environmental justice according to law, and promote green production and green lifestyles as common practices of society, he noted.

Zhou said Chinese courts have also enhanced their competence in providing information-based judicial services, integrating emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and blockchains with trial work, further promoting the construction of smart courts, and providing strong technological support for environment and resource-related trials.

Zhou pointed out that Chinese courts should give full play to their judicial functions and constantly deepen the practice of ecological judicial governance.

He called for strict and fair administration of justice, efforts in protecting biodiversity, effective protection of rare and endangered wild animals and plants, and better risk prevention of their living environments.

Zhou also urged greater efforts to environmental pollution treatment, deal with cases involving air, water and soil pollution in accordance with the law, and serve the fight against air, water and soil pollutions.

He stressed the green development strategy and suggested thorough implementation of the green principle stipulated in the Civil Code, hearing new types of environment and resource-related cases according to law, creating low-carbon production and life styles, and cultivating new momentum for high-quality growth.

According to Zhou, it is the common dream of mankind to build a beautiful homeland, and Chinese courts are willing to deepen exchanges and cooperation, work together to promote global ecological environmental judicial governance, and contribute more wisdom and strength to creating a beautiful world and a community of a shared future for mankind with all parties attending the conference.