Tai'an, a hot destination

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated: 2015-11-20

Tai'an, a hot destination

Yu Fenggui, director of Shandong Tourism Administration at the booth of Tai'ai in CIMT. [Photo/ Tai'an Tourism Bureau]

Tai'an, Shandong, participated in the 2015 China International Travel Mart (CITM) held in Kunming, Southwest China's Yunnan province from Nov 13 to 15. The city fully showed its tourism resources and promoted its tourism brand of "Tai'an, the sacred mountain, the peaceful city" in the event, attracted great attention from the exhibitors and participants.

The 70,000-square-meter mart, had got over 3,000 exhibition booths including 105 countries and regions' participants. Tourism agencies, hotels, airlines and tourism-related enterprises from all over the world took part in the three day event.

CITM had started in 1998 and is being conducted in Kunming and Shanghai, by turns. This is Kunming's eighth term hosting the event. To let the world know more about its scenic spots and culture, Yunnan province made a tourism promotion video and a set of paintings.

"The China International Travel Mart is now regarded as the biggest and most influential cooperation platform for tourism in Asia," said Duan Yueqing, director of Yunnan Provincial Tourism Development Committee.