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Tianjin Port to raise HK$2.4b
Tianjin Port Development Holdings Ltd said yesterday it will raise a net HK$2.4 billion placing 986.5 million shares at HK$2.50 each.
Aquilaria Art Museum opens in Tianjin
China's first Aquilaria Art museum has opened in Tianjin's Five Main Street Area.
Binhai New Area
Zong Guoying elected head of Binhai New Area
Zong Guoying was elected head of Tianjin's Binhai New Area at the first session of the first People's Congress of Binhai.
Ex-French PM: Notion of China-US 'G2' 'an illusion'

TIANJIN -- Former French Prime Minister Laurent Fabius said most world problems could not be solved by only one or two countries, and the notion of a China-US "G2" raised by some was "largely an illusion."

Speaking at the ongoing 8th Euro-China Forum held in the northern port city of Tianjin Tuesday, Fabius said the world faced a financial crisis as well as terrorism, world poverty and nuclear proliferation, which all required a multilateral approach.

Fabius advocated the transfer of green technologies from Europe to China to help the country better address its environmental issues.

Seven Euro-China forums were previously held in six European countries, which had contributed to Sino-EU cooperation, said David Gosset, founder of the Forum.

TIANJIN City of Glamour