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Heavy horsepower tugboats drive Tianjin Port's growth

By Liu Yiyi (chinadaily.com.cn)

Updated: 2015-01-05

Traveling from the Yingkou Harbor in Northeast China's Liaoning province, the "New North XI", a heavy horsepower tugboat, has successfully arrived at the Dongtudi Wharf of Tianjin Port and has been brought into use immediately.

The tugboat has a length of 40.75 meters and a draught of 4.78 meters. With a power of 5,733 kilowatts, which equates to 7,800 horsepower, the "New North XI" is the tugboat with the highest horsepower that has ever arrived in Tianjin Port.

Tianjin Port has been developing rapidly in recent years. Both the amount and size of vessels arriving in Tianjin Port has been greatly improved.

Especially after the launch of multiple navigable channels, the entering and exiting of 300,000 ton level oil tankers and large size ore carriers continuously underscores the requirements of the quantity and quality of working tugboats.

Therefore, based on the acceleration of boat making, Tianjin Port is also enhances the intensity of boat leasing.

Recently, the Tianjin Port Tugboat and Lighter Company and the Yingkou Harbor Group Tug and Lighter Company signed a contrast on heavy horsepower tugboat leasing. Before signing the contract, a 6,500 horsepower tugboat had been leased.

It is said that the Tianjin Port Tugboat and Lighter Company will launch three newly built heavy horsepower tugboats to complete the service function and improve the service standards of Tianjin Port.


Zhang Xinping and Yan Zheng contributed to this story.

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This Day, That Year: June 24


In 1980, the Port of Kobe established friendly ties with the Port of Tianjin.

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