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Xinjiang chess champion will be from Karamay

By Wang Yifei Updated: 2015-10-29

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The 2015 Xinjiang Chess Master Competition kicked off in Karamay on Oct 23, the Karamay Daily reported.

A total of 48 contestants from 14 Xinjiang cities and counties competed during the three day contest. After 11 rounds of fierce competition, Lian Zete and Zhang Xin won first and second place.

According to regulations, Lian Zete will be competing with Xue Wenqiang, Chess Master of 2014 for the title of Xinjiang Chess Master of 2015.

Xue Wenqiang and Lian Zete both live in Karamay and are the only two national-level chess masters in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region.

Xinjiang chess champion will be from Karamay

Xue Wenqiang (right), competes at the 2015 Xinjiang Chess Master Competition in Karamay on Oct 23. [Photo from epapaer.kelamayi.com.cn]


Edited by Andrew Ancheta