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Karamay honors home decoration companies

By Wang Yifei and Yuan Shuliang Updated: 2016-01-07

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A total of 23 companies won the "credit rating industry" Class A title in Karamay on Dec 4.

This activity was initiated by the Karamay housing construction bureau and the Decoration Association specifically responsible for credit ratings.

The credit ratings of AAA, AA, or A are mainly based on an enterprise's comprehensive quality and social credit. The recognition is valid for two years, and reviewed each year. If the review is not satisfactory, the enterprise will be disciplined.

Luo Xuefei, secretary of the Decoration Association, noted that they rely on objective and fair assessments of the enterprises, general supervision by society as a whole, good faith business operations and management, and safety in products and services to reinforce the credit system foundation and reshape the home decoration industry market.

At the awards ceremony, Chen Ke, vice mayor of Karamay, said that the credit rating industry depends on building up a good credit system. The rating awards will establish a model for the industry, and promote its healthy development.

Karamay honors home decoration companies

The home decoration industry credit rating awards ceremony in Karamay, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, on Dec 4. [Photo/epaper.kelamayi.com.cn ]

Edited by Peter Nordlinger