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Karamay Daily receives banner of gratitude

By Wang Yifei and Wu Qiang Updated: 2016-02-18

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Guo Qiang, husband of Ye Hongyu, sent a banner of gratitude to the Karamay Daily on Jan 25.

"Without your help, my wife's wishes would never have come true," said Guo.

Ye Hongyu was a cashier at a local supermarket in Karamay. She was lost on March 18, 1990, when she was only two or three years old, in Henan. She was then adopted by a local Henan family.

On Oct 21, 2015, Ye was diagnosed with acute leukemia at Karamay Center Hospital. Her adopting family wanted to save her life and complete her wish of finding her biological parents.

Thanks to the joint efforts of the Karamay Daily, news media in Nanyang, and provincial media in Henan province, Ye was able to find her parents. In November 2015, Ye's sister Wang Xiaoni had a transplant operation for Ye.

However, Ye was already in the third stage of chemotherapy. She suffered from a high fever and other symptoms. On Dec 28, 2015, she died of leukemia.

Karamay Daily receives banner of gratitude

Guo Qiang (R), husband of Ye Hongyu, sends a banner of gratitude to the Karamay Daily on Jan 25. [Photo by Yan Yong/Karamay Daily]

Edited by Peter Nordlinger