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ChAFTA interpretation seminar held in Urumqi

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-06-17

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Urumqi companies attended an interpretation seminar on the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) on June 15.

Ma Yan, the commercial attaché of The Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade), expressed his intention to enhance import and export trade cooperation between Xinjiang and Australian companies on the basis of the tariff preferences stipulated by the treaty.

Experts from the Austrade, heads of Urumqi Customs, the Xinjiang Entry-Exist Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, the Urumqi Economic & Technological Development Zone and other related companies detailed the content and effect of the agreement, with other on-site delegates discussing the topic of “How to catch the opportunities generated by the ChAFTA”.

The seminar attracted over 300 diplomatic officers from the Australian Embassy and leaders of well-known Chinese enterprises.

He Yiming, the director of Xinjiang’s commerce department, said that with the help of the agreement both Australian and Chinese enterprises can tap the markets and seek cooperation more conveniently. Xinjiang people will have easier access to less expensive Australian imports thanks to the zero-tariff approach.

He added that the seminar was conducive to Xinjiang companies digesting the ChAFTA and seeking cooperation with their Australian counterparts.

By Qiu Guizhen and edited by Peter Nordinger