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More Watsons stores set to open in Xinjiang

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-08-29

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Already the largest health and beauty store operator in Asia and Europe, AS Watson plans to accelerate its expansion in the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region by opening two more stores this year.

The group has three stores in the region, including one in the High-tech Industrial Development Zone that opened in July.

To cater to the local market, AS Watson has formulated a pricing scheme that matches consumer habits. It provides the world best-selling health products, cosmetics and personal care items, which include Japanese, South Korean, European and American brands, to enrich the local market and improve people’s shopping experience.

According to the director of the zone’s management committee, Hao Jianmin, AS Watson plays an important role in helping the zone build an international trade logistics center and trade platform in central Asia by filling a gap in the market.

Founded in Hong Kong in 1841, AS Watson has grown its presence in Chinese mainland from 500 outlets in 2009 to around 2,500 today.

Authorities in the zone hope the well-known brand will attract international brands to invest in Xinjiang.

More Watsons stores set to open in Xinjiang

A Watsons branch store in Xinjiang. [Photo/wxsq.gov.cn]

More Watsons stores set to open in Xinjiang

Customers shop at a newly-opened Watsons store at Urumqi’s Wanda Plaza. [Photo/wxsq.gov.cn]

By Miao Jiayu and edited by Jake Hooson