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Urumqi brings warmth to local disabled group

( chinadaily.com.cn )

Updated: 2016-12-12

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The Urumqi High-tech Industrial Development Zone launched a series of activities to mark the International Day for Persons with Disabilities on Dec 3.

Dozens of local volunteers, young and old, performed songs and dances to show their support to disabled comrades, who had a go at paper-cutting and playing instruments.

Urumqi brings warmth to local disabled group

Disabled people learn paper-cutting accompanied with local volunteers. [Photo/uhdz.gov.cn]

The zone’s disabled association has implemented policies in recent years to help more than 6,700 disabled people living in the zone gain access to training for skills to open up more job opportunities. Some disabled people were encouraged to restart their businesses or start new ones.

“I know I have a long way to go to be a profession,” said Zhang Yan, a local woman with a three-level disability. “But I will keep painting and hope to start up my own business.”

Urumqi brings warmth to local disabled group

Zhang Yan, a local woman with a three-level disability, shares her landscape paintings with other friends. [Photo/uhdz.gov.cn]

Ma Yingchun, president of the zone’s disabled association, noted that more forms of activities and policies are expected to carry out to ensure people with disabilities can lead a happy and normal life.

Urumqi brings warmth to local disabled group

A little volunteer perform a sign language song with several women who have speak problems. [Photo/uhdz.gov.cn]

Edited by Jacob Hooson