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Students take part in color run

By Yang Fan ( chinadaily.com.cn )

Yunnan Agricultural University in Kunming, Yunnan province arranged a color run for its students on Nov 7.

Rather than have a lie in on Saturday morning, hundreds of students gathered at the school to take part in the run.

Many of the school's landmarks were occupied by students with bags of colored corn flour to throw onto passing runners. Students rushed for the finishing line with their faces and clothes peppered with color.

The event was held to mark the launch of the university's second Cultural Festival, which will last until Dec 31. Football matches, a photography competition and a roller skating festival will feature during the festival.

Students take part in color run

Students rush off the starting line at a color run at Yunnan Agricultural University in Yunnan on Nov 7. [Photo/kunming.cn]

Edited by Jacob Hooson

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