Qujing officials visit Kunming Hi-Tech Zone

Updated: 2014-04-16 09:46

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Qujing officials visit Kunming Hi-Tech Zone

The Party secretary of the Qujing Economic Development Zone, Li Jinyun, brought a delegation to the Kunming National Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone, on May 13.

The Party secretary of the Qujing Economic Development Zone, Li Jinyun, brought a delegation to the Kunming National Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone, on May 13, where he was met by its deputy Party secretary, Wang Guize, had arranged a symposium and brief introduction to the high-tech zone and its work in recent years.

The two parties exchanged ideas on organization, talent introduction, regional management, pay distribution systems, and incentives, with Li praising the Kunming zone’s economic and social development over the past 20 years and saying he hopes to increase exchanges and cooperation for mutual economic development.

The Qujing zone was named a provincial development zone by the Yunnan government in August 1992, and a national one, by the State Council, in June 2010.
