Kunming Hi-Tech Zone claims philosophy and social science award

Updated: 2014-05-17 13:16

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When the Yunnan provincial government handed out its philosophy and social science achievement awards recently, the Kunming National Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone was a winner, thanks to its work on turning Yunnan into a bridgehead, a joint effort of management and the Yunnan government’s research office.

These awards are meant to encourage quality thought and social work, a pioneering, innovative spirit, a stronger Yunnan through science and education, a talent strategy, and Yunnan’s economic, social and scientific development for social harmony.

The zone’s research was based on its role in economic and zone development across the province. The judges examined the zone’s industrial bass, competitiveness, policies, and opening-up work in turning Yunnan into a bridgehead.

The zone proposed building a high-tech industrial cluster, an interactive development zone, an experimental opening-up zone, a talent center, and a technology distribution center, with advice on how the zone could become an innovative one among the best in the world.
