Official calls for stronger new city construction

Updated: 2014-05-17 14:37

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The Kunming National Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone has provided "mass line" educational activities for the Party and the head of management and Party secretary of the zone, Dong Baotong, has said they will do more in base construction by improving Majinpu’s residential and commercial facilities and making agriculture more high-tech in neighboring farmland.

Dong explained that the zone has been involved in public housing construction, with 719 apartments built and another 2,847 under construction. The zone also began work on commercial buildings and signed an apartment deal with companies in the zone. It has also given more attention to housing for Majinpu’s relocated people and has built 792 apartments for them, with another 5,568 in the works.

The zone has also come up with more ways to develop industry, protect cultivated land, help unemployed rural people and solve agricultural development problems. Majinpu has 24 square kilometers of land for construction and nearly another 24 sq km of arable land and farmland so; the zone has increased cooperation with the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp and Yunnan Agricultural University to develop agriculture in Majiapu.
