Kunming Hi-Tech Development Zone Teams Up with Fumin Industrial Park

Updated: 2014-07-04 17:18


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The Kunming National Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone is planning to cooperate with Fumin Industrial Park, a flagship chemical-industry center developing titanium, to strengthen its role as a leader in the region's development.

With an area of 10.22 square kilometers, the Park is divided into four zones: one each for the Beiying titanium industry, Mailong biological resources, Daying building materials and Kuinan logistics center. The Park takes full advantage of the natural resources in Fumin County, in particular its titanium mine, salt mine, agriculture and rich ecology. The park currently hosts 38 enterprises.

Li Jiang, general-in-chief of Fumin County, said that Fumin still faces many problems in industrial development—like logistics, attracting investors and recruiting personnel—due to its remote location, under-developed economy and high pollution. As such, Fumin County hopes to forge long-lasting ties with the zone in a variety of industries.

Zhang Jianwei, executive vice chairman of the China Political Consultative Conference of Kunming, and a team of the zone's leaders met to negotiate the cooperation agreement of the two parties. The zone leaders promised to open a large part of its own resources to Fumin, such as scientific research, industrial facilities, management services and talented personnel. Moreover, a coordinating group set up a mutually beneficial development strategy for the zone and Fumin industrial park.

The two groups will work together to develop industry infrastructure, create beneficial policies and attract investment.
