Wang Minzheng meets delegation from Dongxun Sciences & Technology Co

Updated: 2014-09-01 11:19


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On the morning of August 26, Wang Minzheng, member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Kunming Municipal Committee and Director of the Administrative Committee of the Kunming Hi-tech Development Zone, met a delegation from Kunming Dongxun Sciences & Technology Company led by President Yi Hong.

Yi Hong told Wang Minzheng about Dongxun's achievements in software R&D, public services for SMEs, e-government, e-commerce, website operations, enterprise informatization & training and system integration since its establishment in 2003, especially in recent years. Yi thanked the Hi-tech Development Zone for its caring support over the years, and claimed that Dongxun would further enlarge its investment, speed up its construction, and actively voice its ideas towards the development of the Hi-tech Development Zone. Yi also expressed the wish to promote the economic growth of Kunming and even Yunnan through project cooperation with the Hi-tech Development Zone.

Wang Minzheng spoke highly of the hard-won and outstanding achievements of Yi Hong's team, as well as their contributions to the construction and development of the Hi-tech Development Zone over the years. According to Wang, by adhering to the "five zeros" (zero rejection of applications, zero delay of services, zero dispute among service sectors, zero criticism of service quality, and zero complaints from customers) and the "five superlatives" (the fewest items for examination and approval, the most efficient handling procedures, the lowest trading costs, the best entrepreneurship environment, and the highest efficiency among hi-tech zones), the Hi-tech Development Zone is endeavoring to offer reliable services for enterprises and residents and a superior government environment of an "efficient and service-oriented Hi-tech Zone". Apart from effective, all-round "nanny" services for enterprises, the Hi-tech Development Zone will also work with relevant authorities in resolving problems and difficulties in the development of enterprises. With the Hi-tech Development Zone expecting considerable growth in the future, in-depth exchange and cooperation are encouraged for the construction of a beautiful and smart Hi-tech Zone. Enterprises should continue to enhance their technological and comprehensive strengths, so as to gradually grow into domestic first-class information service providers and international influential IT service providers.

Wang Minzheng and Yi Hong also exchanged ideas regarding future project cooperation, public services for SMEs, Smart Hi-tech Zone, e-government, e-commerce and website operation.

Attendees at the meeting included Chen Quanji, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Working Committee of the Hi-tech Development Zone and Secretary of the CPC Discipline Working Committee of the Hi-tech Zone, Zhao Xiaoping, Deputy Director of the Administrative Committee of the Hi-tech Zone, responsible officials from relevant authorities, such as the Economic Growth and Investment Promotion Department, the Second Investment Promotion Bureau, the Hi-tech Development Zone Branch of the Kunming Municipal Office of the State Administration of Taxation, and the Hi-tech Development Zone Branch of the Kunming Local Taxation Bureau, as well as heads of the Kunming Branch of the China Great Wall Asset Management Corporation.

Wang Minzheng meets delegation from Dongxun Sciences & Technology Co

Edited by Brian Salter
