Yunduan Pharmaceutical Co supports impoverished students in Kunming

Updated: 2014-10-11 15:56
By Shi Zihan

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The Party and Youth League organizations of Yunnan Yunduan Pharmaceutical Co in the Kunming Hi-Tech Zone have organized activities to assist the impoverished students. The company has been supporting impoverished students for the past three years and assisted 32 outstanding university students.

Yunduan Pharmaceutical Co set up funds in Kunming Medical University and Yunnan University of TCM. Each September, freshmen from these two universities can apply for a scholarship. After reviews of teachers and the students’ affairs office at universities and a discussion by directors of the company, ten students with economic difficulties who are excellent both in studies and behavior can receive financial aid. The scholarship, according to directors of Yunduan Pharmaceutical Co, can cover all the tuition and fees needed during the academic year.

The caring activities held by Yunduan Pharmaceutical build a bridge between students in universities and the company and let more outstanding students know about it and feel attached to it.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter
