College students find opportunities in University Park in Kunming

Updated: 2014-10-22 17:28
By Shi Zihan

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The Yunnan University Science and Technology Park in the Kunming Hi-Tech Zone was recently given the title of “national science and technology business venture training base for college students” by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.

The title is set to encourage science and technology parks in China to play a role in training personnel in innovative industries and to improve employment by promoting self-employed businesses. The training base is aimed at providing college and university students with a comprehensive service platform of practical training to start new businesses and get employment.

The Yunnan University Science and Technology Park, well-equipped with hardware and software facilities, has been serving and supporting students in Yunnan in employment and entrepreneurship since its foundation. Given the honorary title, the park promised that it would closely cooperate with universities and colleges and science and technology enterprises in Yunnan. It would provide opportunities for students to improve themselves and provide excellent human resources for enterprises, so as to realize a mutually beneficial situation, thus boosting economic development in the Kunming Hi-Tech Zone and in Yunnan.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter
