Yunnan devotes major efforts to brain gain

Updated: 2014-10-23 17:40
By Shi Zihan

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To attract more people with outstanding abilities to contribute to the economic development of the province, Yunnan recently published new policies on attracting skilled people.

According to the new policies, Yunnan plans to attract researchers who have mastered advanced technologies and can promote the development of high-tech industries as well as excellent managers to promote service industries, including finance and commerce by offering high payments, stock ownership incentives, and part-time job opportunities.

The policies also say that the province will select the most outstanding skilled people and regard them as top scholars, technical people and scientific researchers in Yunnan, to whom the government will allocate scientific research funds of a maximum of 5 million yuan ($815,000) and house purchase subsidies of at most 300,000 yuan.

The new policies were co-worked out by Yunnan’s Investment Promotion Bureau, Organization Ministry, Development and Reform Commission, Science and Technology Bureau, and Human Resources Bureau.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter
