Sheenjoy to promote leisure industry in Kunming Hi-Tech Zone

Updated: 2015-01-15 17:37
By Shi Zihan

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Directors of the administrative committee of the Kunming Hi-Tech Zone met representatives from the Yunnan Sheenjoy Tourism Group on Jan 13 and discussed the construction of a leisure center in the Zone.

The two sides decided to conduct in-depth collaboration to develop the tourism and leisure industry in the Kunming Hi-Tech Zone, the first step of which is to build a hotel in the New District Industrial Base within the Zone.

The enterprise brand and mature management and operation pattern of Sheenjoy and superior services and good investment environment in the Zone will ensure the success of the cooperative project and further improve urban functions here, so as to attract more investment and accommodate more business activities, according to Wang Minzheng, director of the administrative committee.

Yunnan Sheenjoy Tourism Group, founded in 1995, is a leading enterprise in Yunnan province focusing on the investment and management of high-end resorts. The Sheenjoy Hotel, one of its top brands, was nominated as one of the "best hotels in Yunnan" in 2012 along with world famous brands such as Hilton, Starwood, Marriott and InterContinental Hotel.

By Shi Zihan and edited by Brian Salter
