Chinese Football Association visits Hi-Tech No 4 Primary School

Updated: 2015-04-01 17:36
By Shi Zihan

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A dozen football referees and experts from the Chinese Football Association came to the Kunming Hi-Tech No 4 Primary School on March 29 to guide its football education.

Wang Yan, principal of the primary school, received the guests with the school’s physical education teachers and informed them about the school’s football education.

The experts advised teachers on how to better cultivate students’ interest in football and improve their skills. They also donated books about football training methods to the school.

Chinese Football Association visits Hi-Tech No 4 Primary School

Referees and experts from the Chinese Football Association visit the Kunming Hi-Tech No 4 Primary School on March 29, Kunming, Yunnan province. [Photo/]

Edited by Andrew Ancheta
