Kunming Hi-Tech Zone shines in cooking contest

Updated: 2015-04-28 17:38
By Shi Zihan

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The Kunming Master Chefs cooking contest, in which culinary skills by leading chefs were put into strict tests, has announced its winner. The team from the Kunming Hi-Tech Zone won the competition, which was held in Kunming, capital of Yunnan province.

The contest comprised of theoretical and practical tests in Chinese culinary skills. Chefs’ specific dish cooking and flour-based food making as well as the serving skills of waiters and waitress were all put to the test.

Altogether 157 competitors from 25 teams, including those of the star hotels and vocational schools, took part in the contest.

The Kunming Hi-Tech Zone sent the contest a team formed by chefs, waiters and waitresses from the Yunnan Dynasty International Hotel located in its administrative area, which eventually achieved impressive success. Its team members won six individual prizes, including the title of “the best Chinese cuisine cook” and “the best flour-based food maker”. The team was also awarded “the best team” prize.
