Kunming helps local enterprises survive and thrive

Updated: 2015-06-02 16:26


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In view of the current downturn pressures on China's industrial economy, the city of Kunming, Yunnan province says it has come up with a plan to help local enterprises, especially during the upcoming China-South Asia Expo to be held in the city on June 12.

The city government says it will give 10 of its better biomedical and high-quality food producers a chance to get a 50,000-yuan ($8,100) subsidy if they manage to sign a 2-million-yuan contract at the show.

In the first quarter of this year, Kunming's industrial added value for certain enterprises was up 5.8 percent, or 0.6-percentage-points above the provincial average, but 0.6-percentage-points below the national.

In commenting on this, the head of its Industry and Information Technology Commission's economic operations, Li Jiming, remarked that their priority is to maintain steady growth in the industrial economy through provincial and national policies, and added that they plan to raise 3-billion yuan in industrial credits and loans to keep key enterprises alive.

The city government also says it will give preference to local products and service providers this year.
