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  • Social Affairs Administration


    Education, cultural development, health care, medical treatment, sports activities, radio and television, family planning, civil administration, community construction and management, identification of work-related injuries, etc.

  • Social Order and Stability


    Legal system, judiciary, overall management of social stability, work safety, petition, city construction, fire safety, emergency management, quality technical supervision, discipline inspection, supervision and auditing.

  • Disciplinary Work Committee


    Discipline inspection, supervision and auditing, carried out by the Kunming Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Kunming Supervision Bureau, and an internal organ of the park, guided and managed by the Kunming Auditing Bureau.

  • Agriculture, Forest and Water


    Promoting law-based administration, resident agency, administrative affairs and management services, and develop local economy and social undertakings for local people, etc.

  • State-owned assets management


    Investing and financing of infrastructure, environmental protection facilities and social undertakings in the hi-tech zone and the hi-tech industry base in Kunming New Town; domestic and overseas financing of major construction projects in the area, etc.

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