Metro> Expats
Comment from Web: On '50% of new expats leave China early'
(China Daily)
Updated: 2009-11-02 10:27

No easy way out

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Comment from Web: On '50% of new expats leave China early' 50% of new expats leave China early

There is no easy solution to this situation. My 18-year-old daughter hated living in China when we first arrived. She was ready to return after two months. Then she had an incident that made her change her attitude and try. She learned Chinese, made a lot of Chinese friends, and adapted. Now she loves China and Chinese people. Even though she returned to America to attend university this year, she's very much connected to Chinese people in China and in America. She can't wait to come back.

The big problem that large MNCs need to learn is that how their expats adapt to a new culture can be the most critical key to their success there. They often take huge salaries for the "hardship" of living in China, but that makes them even more useless because it makes it that much harder for them to adapt, or even to have empathy with their local teammates. Money would be much better spent recruiting in China and training someone who is already culturally adjusted.

Rick B.

It's same everywhere

I feel sorry for people who don't know how to adapt to life in China. I have been over here for 15 years and most of this time was in central China. This is what I call 'real' China, because living in a big city like Beijing or Shanghai is the same as any other in the world.

So, my advice for expats who want to learn how to survive, is to spend one year in central China and then come to Beijing.

Paul van Uum

Prejudice is to blame

I've lived most of my life in a number of different places, including several decades in the US and parts of Asia. Culture shock happens largely because of our preconceptions. I have no problems with any country - and I'm just an average person in terms of wealth, education, and upbringing.

George Hwang

(The story was published on Oct 30, M2, 50% of new expats leave China early)

Comment from Web: On '50% of new expats leave China early'