Relationships: I followed my hubby to girlie bar
Updated: 2011-07-18 16:59
Dear Dinah,
I followed my husband one night on one of his “business dinners” and he ended up at Maggie’s, a well-known “girlie” bar. When I asked him about his night the following morning, he told me a tale of a long boring meal and then home. I felt sick. Should I confront him about his behavior?
The fact that you followed him shows there’s a lack of trust in your relationship, now that your fears have been confirmed the next step is to call him on it – but before you do ask yourself what you want to achieve from the discussion. Is it an apology? Do you want to continue in the relationship? Are you willing to trust him in the future? Be smart about the next move, just screaming and calling him unprintable names may feel good but will not give you any advantage. Take the time you need to see the situation as objective as possible – this is your marriage after all. Seek counsel from a trusted friend before going in with both guns blazing.