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China is an opportunity for EU

(China Daily) Updated: 2017-02-03 08:08

China's development provides an enormous opportunity for the European Union and it is a pity that EU President Donald Tusk has failed to realize that. He said recently that China represents an external threat to Europe, an accusation which is groundless as well as outrageous.

Both sides have benefited from their strong and stable ties. Following a dramatic increase in trade in recent years, the EU is now China's biggest trading partner, and China is the EU's second biggest.

With a fragile economy, the rising threat of protectionism and uncertainty in relations with other major world powers, the EU can continue to benefit significantly from forging stronger relations with China.

The two can work closely together on global governance issues, climate change being a prime example. With the Paris Agreement having entered into force, China and the EU will need to trust each other more than ever to help ensure that the critical measures of the agreement are implemented fully and correctly.

Global security is also a core principle of China-EU relations. With Chinese President Xi Jinping calling for a community of shared destiny, China has demonstrated its commitment to this vision through involvement in the Iran nuclear talks, the facilitation of peace talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban, and the Belt and Road Initiative, among other things.

In all global issues, China is a partner of the EU, a sign of the friendship and mutual trust built up over the 42 years since diplomatic relations were formally established in 1975. Strong bilateral ties need these guarantees to ensure that different political systems and different cultures can still find common ground.

International relations are not a zero-sum game. As China has repeatedly shown, it seeks a relationship with the EU that is win-win.

Senior European politicians should safeguard the long-term and steady development of China-EU relations. Biased views will only bring harm.

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