China / World

UK limits lone child refugees to 300

By Associated Press in London (China Daily) Updated: 2017-02-11 07:15

The Conservative government of the United Kingdom has placed a limit on the number of lone child refugees it will accept into the country, citing fears that human traffickers were exploiting the system.

About 350 children will be admitted - far fewer than the 3,000 originally expected under the law that had been aimed at helping some of the tens of thousands of migrant children across Europe.

Around 200 children have been brought in thus far.

Home Secretary Amber Rudd said on Thursday the decision was made after France raised concerns that UK government actions were acting as a draw to encourage children to make the perilous journey to the continent.

"We are not saying we are closing the door and putting up the drawbridge," she said. "We are not saying that."

The move is controversial because the country has taken in so few of the hundreds of thousands of refugees that have flowed into Europe in recent years, many fleeing the war in Syria.

Lawmakers in the House of Commons accused Rudd of trying to more closely align the country with US President Donald Trump's ban on travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries, including Syria, a move that has sparked protests in the United States and abroad.

"Is this what comes of cozying up to President Trump?" asked Joanna Cherry of the Scottish National Party.

Highly charged

Opposition lawmakers also accused Britain's Home Office of trying to sneak through the changes on Wednesday, when lawmakers were debating the highly charged bill that will allow Prime Minister Theresa May to trigger Britain's departure from the 28-nation European Union.

The law was named after Alf Dubs, one of hundreds of Czechoslovakian children, most of them Jewish, saved from the Nazis by stockbroker Nicholas Winton, who has been nicknamed "Britain's Schindler".

Winton rescued 669 children by putting them on trains to the UK and helping them escape Nazi-occupied Europe on the eve of World War II.

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