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Liaoning sets good example with its administrative reform efforts

(China Daily) Updated: 2017-03-20 07:40

NORTHEAST CHINA'S LIAONING PROVINCE has cut 10 percent of its administrative offices and 296 administrative jobs, of which 192 are officials at the vice-county level or above, since it commenced a new round of administrative reforms in the second half of 2016. Beijing News comments:

Too much bureaucracy has long been a problem, yet reducing it has remained a slow process. Officials hold much power in hand and there are all kinds of interests behind them, so reform encounters much resistance.

That's why Liaoning's efforts are especially notable. By successfully cutting 10 percent of all the government offices at the provincial level, it has won a hard-fought battle and shown the whole country the province's determination to carry out administrative reform.

It is with many supporting measures that Liaoning achieved this success. According to reports, echoing the central leadership's call for governments to simplify their administrative procedures, the Liaoning provincial government has canceled or suspended 767 administrative approval procedures since the second half of 2015. And with the procedures simplified, it has been possible to cut the number of civil servants on the government's books.

Now the Liaoning provincial government works more efficiently and provides better services with fewer staff, which has helped win wide social support for the reform.

As one of China's old heavy industry bases, Liaoning's economy has suffered in recent years. Its officials even fabricated economic data in an attempt to mislead the higher authorities. Therefore, it is safe to say that Liaoning began the reform under huge pressure. Now they have achieved preliminary success, bringing hope of economic revival.

We hope other provinces can follow Liaoning's example.

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