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EU indicates it favors amicable UK divorce

(China Daily) Updated: 2017-04-01 07:55

Tusk says bloc won't pursue punitive approach in Brexit talks

BRUSSELS - The European Union softened its public stance on Britain's exit from the bloc on Friday, with Council President Donald Tusk signaling some flexibility on allowing talks on a new relationship before the divorce proceedings are complete.

Draft guidelines obtained by media said that the EU and Britain must first "settle the disentanglement" of Britain from the bloc but added that "an overall understanding on the framework for the future relationship could be identified during the second phase of the negotiations under Article 50".

The guidelines also said it is a priority to settle questions about British and other European citizens living in each other's countries, and call for "flexible and imaginative solutions" for the issue of the United Kingdom's land border with Ireland.

EU leaders warned after a meeting on Friday that the two years of talks triggered this week to negotiate Britain's exit will be difficult but insisted they don't want all-out economic or diplomatic conflict. Tusk is presenting the EU's draft negotiating guidelines to leaders of the remaining 27 member states on Friday.

Tusk said the EU will not punish Britain in the talks, saying that Brexit itself is "punitive enough". The head of the rotating EU presidency, Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, insisted the negotiations "will not be a war".

Tusk said there would not be parallel discussions about Britain's exit and its future relationship with the EU, but said that the negotiations could move onto a second phase if there is "sufficient progress" in the exit talks.

He didn't define what kind of progress that would have to be, but said that the 27 remaining EU members would have to agree before moving on.

Tusk ruled out the suggestion that there was an inherent threat in British Prime Minister Theresa May's departure letter on Wednesday, which some felt hinted that Britain was threatening to end security cooperation with continental Europe unless it gets a good Brexit deal.

"I know Theresa May well enough and I know her approach to this issue. This is why I rule out this kind of interpretation ... that security cooperation is used as a bargaining chip. It must be a misunderstanding," Tusk said.

British Foreign Minister Boris Johnson also insisted on Friday that Britain's commitment to European defense and security is "unconditional" and "not some bargaining chip in any negotiations" over Brexit.


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