China / China


(China Daily) Updated: 2017-04-06 07:31


Vice-Premier to visit Europe

Vice-Premier Zhang Gaoli will visit Estonia, Slovenia and Albania, and attend meetings in Russia and Kazakhstan from April 11 to 19, Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Wednesday. Zhang will co-chair the fourth meeting of the China-Russia Investment Cooperation Committee and will meet the Russian chair of the China-Russia Energy Cooperation Committee. He will also travel to Kazakhstan to attend the eighth meeting of China-Kazakhstan Cooperation Committee.


Porpoises settle into new reserve

Another four finless porpoises from the eastern province of Jiangxi have been relocated to a reserve in central China, as the critically endangered species' natural habitat is under threat from pollution, overfishing and river traffic. The endangered mammals from Poyang Lake were transferred to Tian'ezhou reserve in Hubei province on March 28. Earlier this week, the Hubei Hewangmiao reserve reported that the first four had settled in.


Officials removed after road accident

Three officials have been removed from their posts after a road accident on Monday killed 12 people and injured 19. A truck owned by a landscaping company overturned at about 5:50 pm on Monday as it was transporting workers after they finished their work in Chenzhou. Zhou Yong, deputy head of the city's Suxian district, was removed from office on Tuesday night, along with the director and chief engineer of the district's forestry bureau.


Rules to protect red tourism site

A new regulation to better protect Nanhu Lake, where the Communist Party of China held its first national congress in 1921, has been passed by local legislators and will be effective in July. The natural landscape and cultural tourism resources around Nanhu Lake as well as the water quality and ecosystem of the lake will be under protection. Sports and other water activities on the lake such as swimming, fishing and surfing will be banned.

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