China / World


(China Daily) Updated: 2017-06-24 07:46

South Korea

Plan revised to deploy THAAD

The plan to deploy the US Terminal High Altitude Area Defense has been revised to bring forward the date of delivery and installation in the country's southeastern region, an official said in Seoul on Friday. The senior official, who declined to be identified, said the THAAD deployment agreement has been revised to install two THAAD mobile launchers earlier than originally agreed upon.


Car bombing kills 13, wounds 20

A powerful car bombing near the office of the provincial police chief in southwestern Pakistan on Friday killed 13 people and wounded 20, officials said. The explosion near the police chief's office in Quetta, the capital of Baluchistan province, was powerful enough that it was heard across the city, shattering windows of nearby buildings, said police spokesman Shahzada Farhat.


Star panda baby gets a checkup

A baby panda that has become an overnight celebrity in Japan is a girl. Tokyo's Ueno Zoo said on Friday the panda, born on June 12, was determined to be female after an examination by experts. The still nameless cub has been doing well, drinking mother Shin Shin's milk. Panda cubs gradually get black markings on their ears, eyes and paws, and the spots are starting to show. The nearly 18-centimeter panda won't be in public view for months.


Reconnaissance flights intercepted

Russian jets have intercepted 14 foreign planes near its borders in the past week, the Defense Ministry said on Friday. It said a total of 23 reconnaissance flights were carried out near the Russian borders last week by aircraft from seven countries. Among them, 10 flights involved PC-135 jets and RQ-4B Global Hawk drones from the United States.


Mosul 'will be liberated in days'

The "liberation" of the city of Mosul from Islamic State extremists will be announced in a few days, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said on Thursday, according to Baghdad-based Sumaria TV. "It's a matter of a few days and we will announce the total liberation of Mosul," he said.


Foreign satellites get a rocket ride

India fired a rocket carrying 31 small satellites into space on Friday, several of them for European countries looking for high resolution earth images. The launch underlines India's status as a low-cost provider of services in space. The government has been promoting its space program as a showcase of low-cost technology. In February, a rocket launched 104 satellites in a single mission, most of them for foreign customers.

Xinhua - AP - Reuters

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