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(China Daily) Updated: 2017-06-26 07:04


Truants made to clean dormitories

A college in Wuhan has introduced a new regulation to punish students who skip class. Under the new rule, any student found playing truant at Wuhan International Culture University must clean the opposite sex's dormitories. University staff said the regulation has proved effective in reducing the number of truants. A male student said it is undignified to clean the women's dormitories, while a female student said the male dorms are dirty and smell bad.

Chutian Metropolis Daily


Student injured by ninja throwing dart

A 11-year-old girl was sent to hospital for surgery after being hit in the head by a ninja throwing dart in Hangzhou on June 7. The accident took place when she was doing homework in her classroom while her male classmates were playing with the darts. The girl is recovering at Zhejiang University School of Medicine Children's Hospital after surgery that lasted more than an hour.

Youth Times


Guinness Record set for washing hair


Guinness World Records have recognized a record for the most people simultaneously washing their hair. The record was set in Taiyuan on June 8 when 795 people, who wore the same outfits, washed their hair in the same place at the same time. Event organizers said they hoped it would help locals to put aside their differences.


Driver killed by rolling truck

A man was killed by his own truck after getting out of the vehicle to urinate in Jinan on June 9. The driver had stopped the truck by the side of a bridge on the city's Zidong Road, and is suspected to have forgotten to apply the handbrake. He was crushed to death when the truck, which was loaded with grain, rolled backward. The victim's wife was in the vehicle at the time of the accident.

Qilu Evening News


Lost cash returned after 11 years

A woman, surnamed Yang, recently got back the cash she lost 11 years ago in Nanjing. Yang, who comes from Anhui province, lost her purse while rushing home in 2006. A subway passenger who picked up the purse and took it home only handed it to police last year after she found it when moving home. Police found Yang's contact number on the police information system and transferred the 267 yuan ($40) to her via WeChat as she refused to collect it from the police substation, saying her journey to collect it would cost more than that. However, Yang visited Nanjing on June 8 to thank the police and subway passenger.

Modern Express Daily

Cats caught to be sold to restaurants

A man in Zhenjiang, surnamed Sun, was recently detained for catching and caging more than 500 cats to sell to restaurants as meat. Police conducted a raid on a property rented by Sun, rescuing the cats, which were crammed into tiny metal cages in a hut. Sun admitted he intended to sell the pet cats and strays, which he caught using sparrows and caged birds, to restaurants for 30 yuan each.

Modern Express Daily

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