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Building a bridge of cooperation

(China Daily) Updated: 2017-07-10 07:15

'It is a great pleasure to be with you in Hamburg, the City of Bridges, to discuss ways of building a bridge of cooperation to advance our shared prosperity," President Xi Jinping said in his speech at the G20 Leaders Summit in Hamburg on Friday.

He proposed openness and innovation and working together as the ways to push forward global economic development and provide fresh impetus for global growth, and urged greater efforts to improve the world's economic governance.

At the G20 Hangzhou Summit in September last year, participants reached a consensus on building an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy, transmitting a positive signal of their shared willingness to seize opportunities and overcome difficulties. With the joint efforts of various parties, the momentum of world economic growth has been consolidated over the past year. In April, the International Monetary Fund raised its forecast for world economic growth this year to 3.5 percent, and all the G20 economies are expected to witness positive economic growth for the first time since the 2008 global financial crisis.

From Hangzhou to Hamburg, from the UN headquarters in Geneva to the recent Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation in Beijing, China has consistently upheld an open and inclusive stance. This is because in the era of economic globalization, the building of an open world economy has become a necessary path for shared economic growth.

As Xi said in his speech, to increase the size of the global economic pie, countries must remain committed to openness and mutual benefit for all.

He urged greater cooperation in the digital economy and the new industrial revolution so as to jointly develop new technologies, new industries, new business models and new products.

The series of speeches Xi has made at important international gatherings, in which he has profoundly examined the issue of "what's wrong with the world" and offered proposals for "what we should do to fix it", show China is increasingly shouldering its responsibilities as a major country.

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