China / China

Ex-Liaoning official sentenced to life in jail for corruption, bribery

By China Daily (China Daily) Updated: 2017-08-05 07:02

Wang Min, a former provincial-level official of Northeast China's Liaoning province and a senior national legislator, was sentenced to life imprisonment on Friday for corruption, taking bribes and negligence of duty.

The sentence was given by the Luoyang Intermediate People's Court of in Central China's Henan province, which also deprived Wang of his political rights for life, with all his personal assets confiscated.

Wang was vice-chairman of the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Committee of the 12th National People's Congress after leaving the post of Liaoning Party chief. In October last year, he was expelled from the Communist Party of China for serious breaches of Party discipline.

The court found Wang guilty of using his position and power to assist others in matters including promotions and business in exchange for money and property worth more than 146 million yuan ($21.7 million), during his time as Party chief and governor of Jilin province, Party chief of Liaoning province and director of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial People's Congress from 2004 to 2016.

In November 2009, Wang took advantage of his position as the Party chief of Jilin and embezzled public funds of 1 million yuan to pay for personal bills.

While Party chief of Liaoning and director of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning provincial legislature, Wang violated rules and failed to properly supervise the provincial elections by not launching investigations into or handling tips on election fraud, including vote buying.

His negligence undermined the election system, resulted in "major losses in the national and public interest, and had an especially vile social impact", according a statement from the court.

Xinhua contributed to this story.

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